Friday, July 20, 2012

Vision and Success

There is an old anonymous proverb that states "the fish rots from the head down".  Or, more simply, leaders need to lead.  This should start with a clear, inspiring vision.  Something that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and do work.  A vision is not "lets go sell lots of stuff and make lots of money".  This is not inspiring, and besides, if you have an inspiring vision for your business then you will sell lots of stuff and make lots of money as a byproduct of conducting your business with consistent excellency.  

It is not surprising that the most successful businesses also have had leaders that have specific, effective visions.  

  • Nike’s vision is to experience the emotions of winning and crushing the competition.
  • Disney’s vision is not to make cartoons; it is to make people laugh.
  • 3M’s vision is to solve problems informatively.
  • Zappo's vision is to be a customer service company that sells shoes
I wonder how many CEOs and business owner really can articulate their vision for the company?  And if they can, I wonder if their manager's can as well, and in turn, instill that vision to their subordinates?  I am not talking about some lines on a plaque, collecting dust on a wall. No, I am talking about every one involved in that business buying in to the vision and pulling in the same direction to achieve that vision.  

In my world of the wireless industry, it is definitely a vision-less environment.  This could have something to do with the transactional nature of the job or the fact that we now sell a very ubiquitous commodity.  Either way, there are many areas of improvement for this industry and it should start at the top with an inspiring vision.  If Zappos could do it with shoes, surely wireless could do it with smartphones.  After all, when selling a commodity, the only variable which you really have control over is the quality of service you offer the custy.  

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